The M1 Abrams tank is a long-serving member of U.S. armed forces. This M1A2 version featured a 120mm smoothbore gun and improved armour from predecessors, plus the latest electronics: Intervehicular Information System (IVIS), Commander’s Independent Thermal Viewer (CITV) turret, and more. The resulting highly efficient machine was first fielded in 1992, and took part in the Iraq War from 2003.
This is a 1/35 scale plastic model assembly kit
Overall model length is 283mm, width 105mm
Decals for 4 desert vehicles and one NATO vehicle are provided.
The distinctive angular hull design with modular armour is rendered realistically, along with the L/44 120mm smoothbore gun
Modellers can choose whether to assemble the kit as an M1A2, or as the pictured Marines version of the predecessor M1A1HA
A wide range of accessories in the box ensures that your model has plenty of life and character once it has been finished
Two figures are included: a full-body commander on the radio, and a torso loader figure surveying the scene with a 7.62mm machine gun
The little 1/35 scale dog will be a useful ally in the creation of your diorama masterpieces!
Required to complete: cement, paint and finishing supplies